Monday, February 23, 2009

I've got a sprain on my brain...

No, this is not the first line to a new song of mine - it's actually my diagnosis - kind of.

For a little background info: after driving to Florida & watching shows at Sea World, I dove into a swimming pool with my kids and while playing, felt and heard a "pop" in my head. The next day I had the worst headache of my life. Since that day (Nov. 3) I have had a continuous headache. I wake up with it and go to sleep with it. It is absolutely constant. Some time mid December I got to a breaking point where, as I told some, I was willing to do anything that wasn't sinful to get rid of my stupid headache. I finally wound up one day back in the office of my GP where I ended up crying over the stress. To make matters worse, my GP couldn't see me that day, so I was seeing his partner for the first time and after witnessing the afore-mentioned crying session, the dear woman leaned over, patted my shoulder and said, "I know a good psychologist."

I can laugh at that break-down now, but at the time, it was a wake-up call to take a few very large steps back away from all the stress of going to this dr. and that dr., etc (did I mention this was all around Christmas time!!) and regroup.

Fast forward 2 months (and 1 sprained ankle). I went to see a great neurologist last Tuesday and after my exam and looking at my films (CT and MRA) she told me that I had sprained a muscle at the top of my head and the muscles on either side of my head were over-tensed due to the injury. So, I have a significant tension headache. She recommended physical therapy for the next couple months and said I should be headache free within 6 months.

6 months with a headache may sound like a long time, but hey, I've already done 3 and I'm really thrilled to have a diagnosis that I can take care of!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Tunics are Finished!

Because I know how much everyone wants to see our finished tunics :P - here ya go!
So, what do you think about the tunics? What about the new header? I'm liking the extra color it brings and I'm excited I figured out how to do something a little creative on here! Give me your thoughts :) Now I just need to figure out how to do something creative to brighten up my house!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a beautiful day!!!!

Today we all woke up itching to get outside. So, after the kids swept out the garage (it was REALLY yuck!) ...
We played!!! I didn't even have to put on the big boot thing to go outside because I could wear flip flops with my little air cast :). And of course, it wouldn't be nice weather if this wasn't the first thing I saw when I stepped outside
See the little spots of color in the tree? I'm certain my kids are part monkey. Tomorrow is supposed to be 40 degrees, so we are making the most of today! Ok, two more pics and I'm done.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting "Loved on"

Yesterday I had the immense privilege of having a dear friend come over for the day and "love on" my kids and I.

As crazy as this may sound, I was getting a little down because I had been wanting to make Roman tunics for my kids and couldn't figure out how I was going to do it. Why Roman tunics? 1) we have been studying Rome for the past couple weeks and 2) my youngest 3 are nearly wearing out all their play clothes since they use them so much. Since a sprained ankle doesn't lend itself well to going to the store, picking out fabric, etc, I had started to give up on the idea when Marlene called and said she was coming over Monday morning and I needed to find a way to use her. I have a very hard time accepting help, so this kind of instruction was exactly what I needed!

Monday morning she showed up with fabric and trim in hand. Of course, the kids had to show Marlene all their important "stuff" around the house first, but then we went to work measuring, cutting and sewing. All the kids were excited (even Timothy!!!) and wanted to be involved in every part of the process. Unfortunately, we only had enough time to make Timothy and Kayla's, but I'm hoping to get Lucas and Alyssa's done tomorrow. I'll post pictures when they are finished!

The best thing was just spending time with someone who cares so much for our family that she would drop everything to make tunics with us :) .