Monday, February 23, 2009

I've got a sprain on my brain...

No, this is not the first line to a new song of mine - it's actually my diagnosis - kind of.

For a little background info: after driving to Florida & watching shows at Sea World, I dove into a swimming pool with my kids and while playing, felt and heard a "pop" in my head. The next day I had the worst headache of my life. Since that day (Nov. 3) I have had a continuous headache. I wake up with it and go to sleep with it. It is absolutely constant. Some time mid December I got to a breaking point where, as I told some, I was willing to do anything that wasn't sinful to get rid of my stupid headache. I finally wound up one day back in the office of my GP where I ended up crying over the stress. To make matters worse, my GP couldn't see me that day, so I was seeing his partner for the first time and after witnessing the afore-mentioned crying session, the dear woman leaned over, patted my shoulder and said, "I know a good psychologist."

I can laugh at that break-down now, but at the time, it was a wake-up call to take a few very large steps back away from all the stress of going to this dr. and that dr., etc (did I mention this was all around Christmas time!!) and regroup.

Fast forward 2 months (and 1 sprained ankle). I went to see a great neurologist last Tuesday and after my exam and looking at my films (CT and MRA) she told me that I had sprained a muscle at the top of my head and the muscles on either side of my head were over-tensed due to the injury. So, I have a significant tension headache. She recommended physical therapy for the next couple months and said I should be headache free within 6 months.

6 months with a headache may sound like a long time, but hey, I've already done 3 and I'm really thrilled to have a diagnosis that I can take care of!


  1. what in the world??? I've never heard anything like that. No wonder you were resting this afternoon. sorry to bother you. :) Hope you get some healing!

  2. Hmmm...a sprain in your ankle and your least you have both ends equal! :)

    Seriously, I'm so glad that they finally figured out what it is, and you can start the healing process! I know 6 months sounds long, but at least there is hope that it will end! Praise the Lord!
