Friday, August 28, 2009

The end of Grandpa's journey

Andrew's Grandpa has been battling cancer for more than 10 years. It looks like his battle is nearing its end. Why does death have to be so hard??

Today, like a number of other days, we spent some time visiting Grandpa. But this time, I knew I had to prepare my kids a little bit for what they might see. That Grandpa might not look a lot like himself, or act like himself, but he's still Grandpa and needs to know we love him. The visit has been on our minds and hearts all day. Especially tonight, when we prayed. Tears came to my eyes as I listened to my children pray for Grandpa and Grandma, especially when Lucas slowly and thoughtfully prayed -

"Jesus, Thanks for making a special place in Heaven for Grandpa, and we hope he is happy there. And Jesus please help the doctors to help Grandpa get all better so he can be with Grandma again. And Jesus, it’s Your choice."

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