Sunday, March 14, 2010

End of an era….or, how to keep a bunch of 5yr olds from bouncing off the walls

Last Wednesday my baby turned 5. Wow. Now, I’m not necessarily a baby person, but it’s still sad to think that I am ending that stage in my life. Andrew calls 5 the “magical age” when you can go to a restaurant, sit and wait for dinner to come and fully expect that your children will find a way to quietly occupy themselves….you can go on a long walk without the stroller and know that you won’t end up having to carry a tired little one most of the way. Still, it’s sad…..they just grow up waaaaaay to fast. Ok, before I start sounding even older than I am, let me get to the fun stuff.

We like to start 5 off with a bang. So, Alyssa got to invite all the girls in her Sunday School class for a themed birthday party (every 5 years our kids get a birthday party with friends - when they turn 5, 10 & 15 or 16). A few weeks ago Alyssa and I headed to the party store and after walking up and down the aisles, and talking over all her choices, she picked princesses.AlysaaBdayInvite

The entire week of her birthday, she told complete strangers that she was having a princess party with an air of sophistication rivaled only by a true princess. Which, as she will tell you, she is, of course.

The day of the party arrived with much yelling and screaming about getting this pig-sty cleaned up…..I mean….with much fanfare and rejoicing :). Just in time the castle was ready, the princesses arrived in their chauffeured coaches, one looking more beautiful than the next, and the party began!

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If I have learned anything by my 4th child, it is this - when you have a room full of 5 year olds you have to keep them busy! We played Princess and the Pea (so each girl could prove she really is a princess), put the Princess in the Window, Princess May I, and a host of other Princess-y games. Alyssa had a fantastic time! I’ll leave you with a bit more of the fun.

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  1. CUTE! Well, Iris sure had a blast-meant to tell you that today! Thanks again- and Happy Birthday Alyssa!
