Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Financial statements printed out...check
Attend Attachment parenting class...check
Getting blessed by the presence of old friends who had amazingly (definite God-thing) signed up for the same attachment class in a city neither of us live in and making the class so much more fun...check :)
First homestudy meeting...check
Medical Needs Summary filled in (soooo hard to do!!)...check
Birth certificates & marriage license copies...check
Blood drawn...check
Cup peed in...check
14 page Essay Questionnaire with waayyy too many personal questions...check
Shorter Family History Questionnaire with a bunch more personal questions...check
Physicals for kids...check
Helping the nurse catch my nearly 13 yr old, getting almost-as-big-as-mom, son as he passes out in the Dr. office after getting shots required for travel to China...check :}
4 1/2 of the required 10 Hague online class hours completed...check
Homestudy papers scanned, saved, put in an envelope and mailed off to our agency...check and double check!

We're making progress :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for progress! Shane's Australian visa has been such an ordeal- we somewhat know what you're going through and yet the situations don't really compare. Praying that it's a speedy process for your family! Much love xo
