Saturday, January 18, 2014

"That go down hill very fun!!!"

This month (January) we have had TERRIBLY cold temperatures and our family has had nasty coughs for a good portion of the month too.  So, not much fun has happened.  December was much better! 

As temperatures dropped, Lucas placed a cup of water outside to show Isaac that it would, in fact, freeze.  Isaac was pretty floored when we brought the cup back inside 2 hours later and it was solid ice!  Then he was confused as to why we didn't have snow.  Fortunately he didn't have to wait too long.  The first week of December we got a little snow.  Isaac was SO excited to watch the snow coming down!  He, Lucas and Alyssa played in that snow as much as kids can possibly play in an inch or two of snow. 

The second week of December we got a lot of snow!  The Friday the snow came, Isaac spent a lot of time at the windows exclaiming how much (or little) it was snowing and what the ground looked like and asking when he could go outside to play in it.  Unfortunately the snow was pretty on and off all Friday evening, so by the time there was enough to play in, it was dark.  Most of it came while we were sleeping. 

But you should have heard the excitement in the house when we awoke to several inches of snow!  That's when some reality hit...before we could really play in the snow, we needed to work.  Timothy and Lucas had been trying to explain that snow is fun, but it's a lot of work too.  Isaac had a hard time grasping that until Saturday morning.  We spent the first couple hours of the morning packing up Christmas gift baskets for needy families in our area and then it was time to scoop!!  First we attacked our drive, then different grandparents.  We didn't finish scooping until 2.  We grabbed our sleds as quickly as we could and hit the sledding hill in town.  Isaac spent the next hour+ sledding down the hill every which way he could think of.  Sitting, lying down, standing up, forward & backward, by himself & with others.  Lots of laughter. 
As the sun began to set, we headed home.  We got into the van, all still bubbling about the great time we had and the stunts we had tried.  In the midst of the conversation, I heard Isaac exclaim, "That...ummm...that go down hill very fun! Woohoo!!!"  It sure was :)


  1. Enjoyed reading your blog! Glad to hear things are going well!!

  2. Thanks for scooping our driveway and taking your kids sledding. I love hearing about Isaac's excitement!
