I belong to a homeschool e-loop which I generally enjoy tremendously because a lot of great homeschooling ideas are shared through it. A few days ago, a homeschooler wrote in asking for people to post their favorite parenting quotes. That day someone posted,
"God never intended discipleship of children to be difficult or complicated or burdensome or a matter for the experts. I think He meant it to be as simple as a loving personal relationship, guided and infused with spiritual intent, fleshed out through a living example."
Ok, if you love the above quote, please do not read the rest of this post, just smile and move on.
When I first read it, I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry. Thinking I may be off base after a very hard day, I asked Andrew what he thought and he replied,"Does that person have kids?" Ok, I feel better. Had God given me only my girls, I think I could have read that quote and smiled a warm smile. However, He did not. In His wisdom, or great sense of humor, he gave me two boys who came kicking and screaming into the world and who are determined to keep things that way. My thought on real discipleship is that anything in this world that is really worth doing (a good marriage, parenting, submitting our will to God's, etc) is going to be hard.
Ahhhh...wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy?