Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weekend in Chicago

Since this is my first post - I decided I wanted to start with pure fun. My fantastic hubby encouraged me to arrange a get-away with my mom and sisters. So we finally did, and last week at this time I was in Chicago with my sisters and Mom having a wonderful time!! We walked up and down Michigan avenue enough that I felt perfectly justified in eating what I wanted at the great restaurants we visited (now that I'm home and have wandered onto a scale, I'm kinda regretting that decision). Here are some pics of our fun 2 days - I've been warned that posting certain pics would amount to slander, so you'll only find photos here that have been approved for public consumption :).


  1. Woo hoo! Welcome to the blogging world! Your trip looks like a blast! What fun.

  2. Hey Sandy, just found your blog! Looks like you had a fun trip! The Kruse women did that when I was preggo w/ Alaina- 5years ago! You're making me think it's time again :) Looking forward to following your blog!!
