Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm a "Stoplight" junkie

Have you ever watched Stoplight? It's a great, short, video commentary on political issues put out by Focus on the Family. The videos are often humorous (at least they frequently crack me up) and always informative on current issues. If you have some time, check out this latest one on giving:

I've had a fair amount of sitting time because yes, I'm still kinda laid up. I have an air cast so I can put some weight on my toes and hobble around without pain (although I have to be careful to hobble just right, or I do have pain). The hobbling thing is frustrating, though because I definitely can't get anywhere fast and by late afternoon my head is killing me (I still have my nasty 3 month old headache) because of all the extra bouncing around. At least I can move, though. The next big step is for my swelling to go down enough that I can fit into a shoe and therefore leave my house (hobbling across snow with a sock covered foot is not an option in my opinion).

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