Friday, August 30, 2013

Hong Kong Day 1–It’s all about expectations

Since I’m a planner, I don’t tend to do well with plan disruptions, but I went into this trip with the mindset of…things will be messed up and crazy and that is ok.  See, I was planning for disruptions.  Stuff like not getting our luggage for nearly 1 1/2 hours.

2013-08-28 19.15.23

I was totally good with it.  And congratulating myself for my "just go with the flow” attitude.

Then everything flew out the window.

Last night as we were getting kids into bed (around midnight here…so 11 am Morton time), Andrew said I should hurry because there was a message from Gladys (Ka Hei’s case worker).  She had an itinerary for us.  We would start meeting with Ka Hei tomorrow.  Good news right?  He is the whole reason we are here!  Well, between the fact that I was severely sleep deprived, working with a little culture shock and the fact that we had been told for MONTHS that if we wanted to see Hong Kong we should do so before we met with Ka Hei because we would meet Ka Hei a couple times, then he would be in our custody and then we should leave the country….like seriously, don’t stick around...just fly home.  I was in shock.  What about the language barrier between us?  What if he just plain wanted to go home (not with us)…he would be so close and yet not able to be there because he would have to be in an apartment with people he hardly knows?  And we’re not flying home for 2 weeks!!  It took some gracious calming from my husband and a good night’s sleep before I could shake the panic.  Sad, but true.

Fortunately this morning as I prayed, God reminded me that I had put this trip into His Hands and now was not the time to try to take it back. 

So, we headed out of the apartment to get the “lay of the land.”  I’m so thankful Andrew is directionally amazing, because it didn’t take me long to get completely lost.  It was raining, but not hard.  It definitely did not affect the number of people out and about.  We saw lots of fun stuff.

.2013-08-29 08.54.33 2013-08-29 08.58.50

I just love all the bamboo scaffolding :).  The lovelies below were in a restaurant window.  And of course, our kids were pleased to see these familiar arches.  By the way, most of these pics are courtesy of Kayla, my resident photog.

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We bought a few grocery items (we found pb&j! True comfort food :) ), returned to the apartment we’re staying at and waited for Gladys to come.  About 11:30 she arrived with an itinerary of our time here in Hong Kong.  Because Ka Hei is older (10), she wants to give him plenty of time to warm up to us.  So, she told us, he will meet us for a few hours today, then have a weekend to process.  Then meet us for a few hours each day until the evening of the 10th when he will move into the apartment with us.  We fly home on the 13th.   I’m so thankful!  I want him to want to come home with us at the end of our time here, not feel like he is forced to.  Gladys is going to do everything in her power to help this transition be as smooth as possible.  Praise the Lord!

Gladys led us to Ka Hei’s home (he is in a foster/small group home) via walking, MTR (subway) and more walking.  1/2 hr later, we were there!


And he is a typical, nervous, goofy, cautious, smiling, 10 year old boy who creamed us in Rummikub and Clue :).  Trust me, it was not because of some language barrier…even if Lucas tries to convince you otherwise.  And what did he request for lunch?  Pizza Hut!


We headed back to our apartment after a bit more game playing and then experienced something we have never experienced before…



  Our kids BEGGING to go to bed!

  Tomorrow and Sunday we have “free days.” So, Andrew and I had better figure out what we are going to do :).  Goodnight!


  1. Sounds like the meeting went well!! Praying for you all!!

  2. I love seeing photos & hearing about your day. Thanks so much. I'm so thankful you were willing to "go with the flow" even though it was HARD to do. You are so blessed to have God and Andrew! I can't get over how well Ka Hei fits into your family - especially if he beat you all in Rummikub & Clue! It's amazing what jet-lag will do; even cause YOUR kids to want to go to bed!

    1. He was so tickled to beat all of us :). I really think it was a God thing. When a 10 yr old boy beats a bunch of people, the whole world looks better...and winning may have even helped moving across the ocean with a bunch of strangers look better :).

  3. I LOVE the updates - especially Ka Hei beating the rest of you in games! & the pictures - especially the one in Pizza Hut... "share a slice of life"... how perfect :) God is definitely continuing to bless this trip- just as He did your preparations. We keep praying for each one of you!!

    1. I know, I love the words in the background :). We really appreciate your prayers so much!
