Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hong Kong Day 12– Part 2

Last night had some hard moments, but thankfully, God brought us through and today was a wonderful day full of laughter and many good memories.  Thanks so much for your prayers for Ka Hei!!! 

Here is the Gotcha Day Post part 2 :) -

We decided to spend Ka Hei’s gotcha day playing games together – because we love to play games, and walking market streets – because these market streets are so Hong Kong…i.e. We don’t have streets like these in Small town America :).  We also wanted to have a light day today, because tomorrow will be a huge day.

We started our market walk in the bird market:

IMG_3222 IMG_3223

From what I understood from Ka Hei, he has never seen any of these markets before, so it was fun to share something new with him :).  All of us were floored at all the birds, especially all the different kinds that were for sale on this street.  And of course, what kid isn’t fascinated by grasshoppers in zip-lock baggies (to feed the birds, of course :) )?

Next up, the flower market:


Ka Hei was so sweet as we walked through this market.  He pretty quickly picked up that I enjoyed looking at the flowers, so he started pointing out flowers that he thought I would really like :).  We would walk along and then I would hear, “Mom!” I would turn to look and he would smile and point and say, “Pretty.  You like?”  I would assure him that I did and then we would walk a bit further.  After a while, he would point out flowers and then ask me what they are called in English.  He is a quick learner because a bit later he would point at flowers and ask if they were the name he thought I had told him – often he was right!

Finally the goldfish market:


This market is different because all the fish tanks were inside stores (not outside the stores, or in stalls, like the other markets had their items).  It was fun to see the variety of fish that were for sale and then incredible prices.  Some fish were multiple hundreds of dollars – for one fish!

At the end of our market walk, we got some ice cream and then started the walk back to our apartment:


Hong Kong looks just a little different than our dear hometown.  Mostly, I think Ka Hei is going to wonder where all the people are!


  1. I love it - so fun :) And I'm so thankful to read and share in all the ups (and downs) of this special, wonderful trip. KaHei is such a sweetheart. We continue to pray for all of you each day...

    I'm very thankful KaHei was willing to be open about his feelings with Lucas right away- and once he's able to let himself be more vulnerable- he will be with you too. What a blessing to have your whole crew there!!

    Love you!

    1. I'm thankful he was willing to talk to Lucas too :). It was about heartbreaking to see him quickly wipe his eyes when we entered the room the other night :(, but even though he wasn't ready to open up to us, I'm glad he saw Lucas as a safe place. Thanks for your prayers!

  2. I read a beautiful reminder: "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." We continue to lift all of you up in prayer.

    1. We have clearly seen God to be so faithful! Beautiful verse :)
