Monday, September 2, 2013

Hong Kong Day 3 - Symphony of Lights

After a good rest in the afternoon, we left the apartment in search of supper and fun.  Andrew’s navigational skills simply amaze me.  I’m pretty sure he has a map of Hong Kong’s MTR in his head at this point because he swiftly led us through stations and then out to the street at Tsim Sha Tsui before he whipped out his smartphone to guide us to our restaurant.  We decided to ease our kids into a full Chinese meal with a popular Chinese fast food restaurant the D&J Witzig’s and D&W Moore’s recommended to us…Café de Coral.  The meal went over well (Alyssa was happy to eat off our extra rice and green beans)…hooray! The area we were in was absolutely crawling with people, so we listened to a couple singers/guitar players and milled around for a bit just people watching. 


We had originally planned on taking the Star Ferry across the bay, taking the tram up to the top of Victoria Peak and watching the lights of Kowloon come on, but a couple things were not in our favor – 1) it was cloudy and we weren’t sure what kind of visibility we would have and 2) I forgot to bring the Dramamine.  Timothy, Kayla and I can all get pretty motion sick & frankly just watching the ferries bob up and down in the water was making me a little queasy.  We hopped into a Watsons (Walgreens or CVS-like) but the pharmacist had just gone on break.  So, instead of hopping on a ferry, we walked over to the Promenade to find some seats to watch the lights of Hong Kong Island come on and wait more than an hour before the Symphony of lights began (the Promenade has built in benches). It was while we were waiting that 4 women absolutely became enamored with Alyssa.  First they asked if they could take her picture, then if they could take a picture with her and finally if their boyfriends could be in the pictures too.  It was quite the hoot!  And Alyssa was enjoying herself :).  While the Symphony of lights wasn’t a HUGE wow….it was fun, and we all agreed that it was neat to see the city light up.  These pictures don’t do the view justice, because the white is too overpowering…the colors were much more brilliant in person.  We’ll have to see what I can do with photoshop when I get home, but for now, they’re the best I’ve got.



  1. I know what you mean - you just have to see it in person. You took really good photos, tho & it's still beautiful. Your dad does a great job leading me all over, too. Sorry you got your navigation instincts from me. :( Glad you found a Chinese restaurant you like. Thanks again for keeping us informed! Grandpa & Grandma Neukomm came over after church to read your blogs. They enjoyed them, too.

    1. I'm so glad they have been able to read them! I was going to give you a call to please show them the blog posts, but I kept thinking about it at bad times (like 4 am for you).

  2. Ooh! Watson's!! You could grab some of their ginger ale ... it's good for what ails you (like motion sickness :)). The pictures are beautiful! We continue to pray for you and are glad to hear all is going well! We love you :)
